Heres our dessert recipe for a light. Once your home is ready for Yuletide festivities, you can look into local Yule celebrations. Skip to main content. The other Wiccan festivals are thought to represent various points in the courtship of these two deities. According to the saga of King Haakon Haraldsson (also known as Haakon I Adalsteinsfostre or Haakon the Good) of Norway, who ruled in the 10th century, the Norse Yule celebration and Christian Christmas celebration were merged during his reign. There is, of course, the traditional route with a slight variation. [47] Sextus Julius Africanus (c.160 c.240) gave 25 March as the day of creation and of the conception of Jesus. Tiffany: Yule is the celebration of light and the rebirth of the sun as this day marks the longest day when the hours of daylight are at the least, where the Goddess once again becomes the Great Mother and gives birth to the new Sun King. They have more meaning when you make the gift yourself or the gift can be used in magickal practice. The 12 days of Christmas begin on Christmas Day, December 25, and last right through until January 6 - also known as Three Kings' Day or Epiphany. Many of these ingredients are thought to have protective properties. In modern times Yule as a solstice celebration is observed by many Neo-Pagans, both as individuals and as groups. This is the day for setting up the Yule Tree. There are so many different traditional Yule recipes from various cultures. Some people like to add a small incantation to the process, like this one: Yule is here, and I smudge this place,Fresh and clean, in time and space.Sage and sweetgrass, burning free,as the sun returns, so it shall be. December 25 was nine months after March 25, the date of the vernal equinox and a date linked to the conception of Jesus (celebrated as the Feast of the Annunciation). BONUS: Youll also receive our freeBeginner GardeningGuide! The Yule log is an important part of the celebration. Everyone was required to have ale from a measure of grain and keep the holiday while the ale lasted or else be subject to a fine. This evening is to honor the male spirits that protect us. You may wish to use this information in your spell work, or maybe you just want to decorate your home and celebrate in the theme of Yule. Some modern celebrations of Yule attempt to re-create ancient traditions, while others have been adapted or reimagined to suit contemporary personal and religious practices. [37][38] The midwinter feast usually lasted 12 days. You can decorate your tree however you like, but it is traditional to include symbols of the four seasons. The ancients knew that the winter solstice was the longest night of the yearand that meant that the sun was beginning its long journey back towards earth. I recommend baking with apples or cloves. Because the veil is so thin between our world and the Otherworld (the world where Fae reside), we might be able to hear pieces of the hunt. Today, a Yule log is still a Christmas tradition in some cultures; alargelog is traditionally burned in the fireplace on Christmas Eve. Then get into the habit of only keeping the last two issues of each. The candles are also important. It is a time for giving thanks and for gathering with family and friends. We do so with no expectation of reward or celebration, but simply because it needs to be done. As Christianity began to spread in the 4th century, the Christmas feast day was set on December 25 by Pope Julius I to align with the Roman pagan holidayDies natalis solis invicti, the birthday of the invincible Sun. The rest ishistory. You can also eat any other foods that you like. Learn Religions. While youre at it, you can also decorate the rest of your home. Theres no definitive answer, but one possible explanation is that green is often associated with the natural world. I like to leave out offerings during the Winter Solstice. The date varies with location, but it always falls before or after December 21st each year. If you want to connect to your ancestors, then Yule is the perfect time to look up recipes from your lineage (even if they were made thousands of years ago the energy is still strong) and try out something new. Bells are commonly used as decoration to ward off negative energy. A few more gift ideas are: Dont miss out!We have a special offer for you after you create your free account. Yule is an important holiday celebrated by many people around the world. Of course, some Wiccans believe that the end-of-the-year festivities should start on Samhain, which is also known as the Witches New Year. However, because this ritual invokes the four elements, and thus the four directions, you may wish to skip this step if youre pressed for time. Throw all their stuff in their basket the next time they go to their room, they can take all their stuff with them to put it away. In some cases, it may represent new beginnings, growth, and fertility. In fact, many consider holly berries to represent the blood involved in childbirth. Try a different devotional each day, for the next twelve days,to give you food for thought during the holiday season or simply incorporate the ones that resonate with you into your seasonal rituals! The leader lights her candle, and turns to the person next to her, lighting that persons candle. Its a chance to look ahead to the year to come and begin again. The Maiden then takes her candle and holds it while the HPs lights it for her. Pre-Christianity, many believed that the hunt signified good or bad things to come, depending on the sounds you heard from the sky. But whats a good Wiccan to do? The 12 days of Christmas are a time of tradition. The celebration of Yuleis one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal. They represent the light of the sun and are used to help guide the sun back to us. The darkest night of the year can also be the most peaceful and spiritual. ), but also on the current state of state tax policy. You could also have a potluck dinner and ask everyone to bring a dish to share. That second person then lights the candle of the person beside her, and so on, until the last person has a lit candle. Clean baseboards and other woodwork. The first day of yule is typically celebrated by decorating your home with christmas decorations. For example, you could make holly water by soaking holly leaves in spring water under a full moon. Today,Yule and Yuletidearelargely synonymous with Christmas and Christmastide, but the meaning behindYule is quite different from that of the Christianholiday. Because Yule is a time to reflect, you can definitely do spells about your past, but its also a time to set your intentions for the coming year, meaning that this is a great time to do any spell that willstart something new. Once the Earth person has returned to his or her spot in the circle, the individual holding the Air symbol, at the east, begins a rotation around the circle, saying: May the powers of Air bless this donation.Air is the soul, the breath of life in a community.Wisdom and intuition, the knowledge we share freely,Air carries away troubles from our community.With these powers of Air, we bless this donation.. Or perhaps you like to troll the ancient yuletide carols? The Fae can be a bit more provocative and aggressive than humans, so its hard for us to understand what a celebration looks like. Green is also considered to be a lucky color in many cultures. DMCA. Similar to the energy that we experience during Christmas, the Winter Solstice reminds us that peace comes from darkness and stillness. This day is best for a gathering and feast of lamb stew and leaf bread! If your family enjoys ritual, you canwelcome back the sun at Yulewith this simple winter ceremony. The Yule season is full of magic, much of it focusing on rebirth and renewal, as the sun makes its way back to the earth. Next, the individual holding the Fire symbol - a candle, etc. Move the incense around each door and window, and go through each room, following along the lines of the walls. In reply to Whoever whatever whenever by Justin (not verified). Haakon became Christian after a visit to England, and after his return to Norway he put into law that Yule should be celebrated at the same time as Christmas. Perhaps your deity has blessed you in some special way, and to honor him or her, you want to share your good fortune with others. Yule is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the winter season. Instead of 5 golden rings, you can give 5 golden doughnut rings and instead of 2 turtledoves, give 2 Dove chocolate bars. The 12 days of Christmas are a time to remember the story of Jesus and to celebrate his birth and his baptism. Yule is one of the oldest pagan winter solstice holidays. "Merry Christmas!" So that may be another potential origin of the Christian Santa Claus character. On this 4th day is the time when social rules were turned upside down, gifts were exchanged, and disguises were worn. This could be done as a family activity or you could read a different christmas story each day. The first step is to gather your supplies. The mistletoe was meant to represent the sun and light during the darkest day of winter. Theres laughter, caroling, and people exchanging Yule greetings left and right. Remember, you can adjust the wording in this ritual as necessary, to accommodate the needs and requirements of your groups purpose. Happy Yule!!! Since weve already talked about the symbolic meaning of Yuletide, you can probably guess what each of these colors represents. Some people believe that the Yule log must smolder for twelve days and nights to bring happiness and abundance into the following twelve months. The Twelfth Night festival marked the onset of the winter solstice, the point in late December when the sun, whose daily arc had reached its lowest, darkest, coldest point, began its rise toward the longer, warmer days and the coming of spring. The 12 days of Yule are celebrated from December 21 to January 1. Here are the main correspondences for Yule/the Winter Solstice. Wood ashes do indeed have beneficial uses in the garden! For example, the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is thought to have been written in the 1700s. Dont be surprised if you hear some familiar tunes. Here are some great Yule rituals that you can do to celebrate this winter Sabbat, either as part of a group or as a solitary. Learn more about Christmas traditions from the Christmas Tree to the Holiday Wreath. If you have a mixed group, make adaptations as necessary. Today, Wiccans would get a 1418-inch long log and decorate it with dried berries, evergreen twigs, pine cones, ribbons, feathers, and cinnamon sticks. green is the color of the Irish flag, and its also the color of the Scottish thistle. I am so interested in non religious centered culture and traditions. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Cover the altar with a winter-themed altar cloth if possible, and in the center, three white candles in individual candleholders. But you dont have to incorporate that custom if you dont want to. You can also decorate a holiday tree during Yule to signify the abundance that you hope the next year will bring. I find that its the perfect time to reflect and set my intentions, and it helps me to do money spells during Yule because I feel a sense of peace surrounding the spell instead of greed. "Yule Rituals." Its the day to the divination spread of The New Year. Day 3: The Feast of Reflection. Many Wiccans use green Yule decorations to invite all these things into their homes in the upcoming year. On the other hand, there are plenty of Yule traditions you can do on your own or with your family. You can do whatever feels natural and fits into your practice best. Each culture may associate a different color with Yule, depending on their own traditions and customs. Modern practices include the nightly lighting of candles honoring the Nine Noble Virtues which come from Odinism or Asatruism. This can be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. , Thank you for the opportunity to learn about this. State Rundown 4/12: Tax Day 2023 A Good Reminder of the Impact of Our Collective Investments. Evergreen plants give us the greens we use to symbolize Christmas and Yule. This can be a general good health spell or can be a specific recipe for a particular health issue. Remember the song of 12 Days of Christmas includes: The winter solstice is the growing suns season, so gold is used to correspond with the suns power and energy. If you have a fireplace (gas, electric, real, etc.) If you have curtains, take them down and launder them. For neopagans, the most serious festivities occur at the beginning of Yule during the first three days. Updates? The Yule log also makes a great centerpiece for either tapers or tea lights (as shown in the photo at the top of this article). Our towns Boy Scout troop drilled holes in birch logs to create special candle holders for Scoutceremonies. If youre gathering up some sort of donations, good for you! Before you drop them off at the shelter, library, food pantry or wherever why not invoke the elements to do a formal blessing of the donated items? I love doing money spells during the Winter Solstice. Later, when Christianity came to the British Isles, Christians adoptedaspects of the pagan festival into a celebration of the birth of Christ. This can be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. If you have multiple levels, continue up and down stairs as needed. The Alfar are male ancestors and powerful nature spirits. Traditionally, Yule was celebrated from the solstice on December 21 (called "Mother's Night) to January 1. It was a time of celebration, and for rejoicing in the knowledge that soon, the warm days of spring would return, and the dormant earth would come back to life. By taking some hours during Decembers lead-up period to deep cleanse both mind and house, we can set ourselves up with an open heart without all those old mental clutter holding us back. Firefox doesnt know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (applewebdata) isnt associated with any program or is not allowed in this context. The first thing you need to do is set up your altar. This celebration centers around the caretaker (s) of the household, as they will invite the dead and living to join the festivities and bestow good wishes for family and friends. Or maybe its time for a local harvest celebration, and youd like to contribute something to celebrate the season of abundance. Thank you for the wisdom of your years,and for seeing the season through to its end.You have stepped aside that the new season may begin,and for this we give you honor. So when Alfred the Great gave free-men 12 days at Yule in the late 9th century, he meant a Christmas vacay. Dont light them just yet. The Philocalian calendar of AD 354 gives a festival of "Natalis Invicti" on 25 December. In the harsh climate of northern Europe, most cattle were slaughtered because they could not be fed during the winter. However, the idea of bringing evergreen twigs and trees into the home obviously didnt stop with the Norsemen. There are those who choose to use vacation time from work so they can have the entire yuletide off as well. The period has been celebrated since before the middle ages but was updated over time to include prominent figures in Christian history. Most Wiccans celebrate Yule on the day of the Winter Solstice though there are exceptions to that rule. Donations are then presented to local aid groups, food pantries, libraries, and shelters. Dogma is antithetical to spiritual living so follow your highest aspiration to recognize divinity! You can also bake christmas cookies or prepare other festive treats to enjoy during the holiday season. Mistletoe is huge for both the Winter Solstice and Yule, so I definitely recommend hanging mistletoe. One of the most important parts of Yule is the food. Give everyone a few moments to meditate on this thought. The child and dependent care credit covers up to $6,000 of expenses related to day care or similar costs Check out our other articles:Sigils for NewcomersJar Spells Made SimpleGet to Know Your FamiliarCandle Color MeaningsMoon Phases and Simple RitualsSee All Articles. However, some of the most common greetings for Yule include "Happy Yule!" During Yule, Wiccans bake cookies, fruitcakes, or caraway cakes soaked in cider. I love the YULE LOG,it helps my home to be Peaceful and Joyful this time of year. Both these words referred to a midwinter festival centered around the winter solstice, which traditionally marked the halfway point of the winter season. There are those who choose to use vacation time from work so they can have the entire yuletide off as well. The Roman feast of Sol Invictus. A wish spell can also work well if cast on the Winter Solstice. I do believe that there is some truth to the hunt. Many people around the world celebrate the Christmas holiday season, and many of those people celebrate for 12 days. This can be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. It is thought to have originated as a pagan festival. These are just some of the ways that you can celebrate the 12 days of yule. In any case, Yule is only one of eight Wiccan holidays that exist on the Wheel of the Year. If you've got a filter on your home's heating system, now's a good time to replace it with a new, fresh one. The Mother can wear a red robe and stand to the south, while the Crone dresses in a black robe and veil, and takes her place to the west of the altar. Apple Music Classical app - HOW TO PRE-ORDER. For others cultures, the Yule log is defined as a log-shape chocolate cake enjoyed as a Christmasdessert. Many people also celebrate Yule by attending parties or by gathering with family and friends. However, this long night is also an opportunity for a cleansing of the soul, just like the New Moon. When you celebrate these holidays/Sabbats, there is not one set way to do it. The last day of Yule and the year, bless the house for protection and drive out the last of the wandering Yule spirits. In Sweden the goat came to be associated with the Christmas celebration, and the Yule goat is now considered by many to be a companion or counterpart to Santa Claus. Check out my favorite money jar spell here. It's also easily adaptable to a small group of people. Box 520 | Dublin, NH 03444. So what is the Winter Solstice all about? For example: Dont have room for a tree? Omissions? When everyone has finished, you may either dismiss the circle if you cast one to begin with or formally end the ritual in the ways of your tradition. If your windows have mini-blinds, dust them and wipe them down. The leader of the ritual begins with the following: We gather today to celebrate community.To honor those who contribute selflessly,Those who contribute what they have to those who have nothing,Those who speak out for those who have no voice,Those who give to others without taking for themselves.Each of you has contributed something to this community today.Whether it is a monetary donation, a packaged good, or simply your time,We thank you.We honor you for what you have given, and we celebrate these donationsBy blessing them before they move on.We call upon the elements to honor the many aspects of community today.. Place each of the elemental markers in its corresponding location of the circle. Copyright 2023 Wicca Academy. Thank you for everything you all do in honor of those of us who are Pagan and celebrate Yule. Get your bathroom clean., celebrating the winter solstice at Stonehenge. Now by reading your stories I think that's inaccurate. Its a day to pull out preferred divination sets and use them for the coming year. This can be a great way to honor your deities and your Pagan community, as well as help others recognize what an important occasion it is. Record Store Day, which happens Saturday in Maine and all around the world, is the equivalent of Christmas and your birthday to those who love, collect and listen to vinyl When it comes to savory foods, meals with pork or boar meat are customary. Instead, Im pretty sure the hunt is a fairy celebration. Like many Christian holidays that have their roots in pagan celebrations, Christmas is basically Yule in disguise. Terms of Use | December 6th, 2020Updated: December 1st, 2021Estimated Read Time: 12 Minutes. Alison Eldridge is Managing Editor, Strategic Content at Encyclopaedia Britannica. Use your pendulum, scry, or do a Winter Solstice tarot spread. You can do a meditation, scry, or actually cast a spell that will show you the past year and how you can improve going forward. Yule became a name for Christmas about the 9th century, and in many languages yule and its cognates are still used to describe that holidayjul in Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish; joulud in Estonian; joulu in Finnish; and jol in Icelandic. Its not uncommon toattend a Pagan eventin which guests are invited to donate clothing, canned goods, toiletries, books, and even pet care products. Some Pagans do charitable works because it is part of their groups standards. Christmas Day 2022: Why Is Christmas on December 25? Like at every solstice, we acknowledge that darkness will always be defeated by this brighter side, with each day continuing to get longer as we head towards our beloved summertime! Yule, otherwise known as the Winter Solstice, is a pagan holiday that marks the longest night of the year. Practitioners celebrate both the longest night of the year and the return of the sun and the lengthening of the days to come. The 12 days of Christmas are also a time for reflection. But if those options arent available to you, you could attach a few candles to the log and burn it symbolically. Many people spend time cooking traditional holiday foods and enjoying time together. You can also make a delicious tea with rosehip, peppermint, vanilla, cinnamon, or cloves for warmth. Gifts are often exchanged, and special foods are enjoyed. This is my first visit to this site , I LOVE this place and intend to be a permanent guest here ! You can also start wrapping christmas gifts to get ready for the holiday season. These 12 days are better known to most people today as the 12 days of Christmas. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. A remainder of the yule log was kept to light the next years log. Although many families use fake holiday trees, a cut one from a tree farm is actually more environmentally friendly, so if you've never considered a live tree, maybe this is a good year to start a new tradition in your house. There are both traditional songs honoring gods and goddesses, and modern hits rewritten to fit the Yule holiday. Claim: The song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" was created as a coded reference to important articles of the Christian faith. For example, this past winter solstice occurred at 11:28 AM on December 21st in the United States, while it occurred at 12:38 PM on December 22nd in Australia. Remember, the floor is not a storage place. So some people deem it appropriate to celebrate during the period between these two holidays. Clean your windows. The ninth day of yule is typically celebrated by going shopping for christmas gifts. Yule is the time of theWinter Solstice, and for many Pagans, it's a time to say goodbye to the old, and welcome the new. Next, you need to light the candles and say a prayer to the sun. After the prayer, its time to start the celebration! Some people also decorate with fruit to manifest fertility and abundance in the coming year. At this time, the High Priestess should invite anyone who wishes to make an offering to the Goddess to come do so offerings can be placed on the altar, or if you're outdoors, in a fire. Finally, the person holding water begins to walk in a circle, saying: May the powers of Water bless this donation.Cleansing and purifying, washing away ill will,Carrying away with it need, want, and strife.Water is what helps to keep our community whole,With these powers of Water, we bless this donation.. The festival was at one point connected to the Norse god Odin, who is also called the Yule father. People would gather around these structures (which were built to align with the sunrise, an amazing feat of architecture) and try to capture the last rays of sun during the darkest day of the year. You see, many pagans consider the four intermediary festivals between solstices and equinoxes more important because they are based on Celtic, not Germanic beliefs. If you have an extender on your vacuum cleaner, use it to suck up cobwebs and dust from the ceiling fans, baseboards, and other hard-to-reach spots. The Winter Solstice is Dec 21st, and the second day of Yule starts the celebration that honors the Triple Goddess and the rebirth of the God in the form of the Sun. A Spotify playlist of Yule songs would be a great introduction. The salt is used to represent the ocean and the sky. To many pagans, Yule is like the traditional New Year holiday. [43][45][46] It was a traditional Jewish belief that great men lived a whole number of years, without fractions, so that Jesus was considered to have been conceived on 25 March, as he died on 25 March, which was calculated to have coincided with 14 Nisan. Create a place that's a permanent home for them a basket in the bathroom, a drawer in the kitchen, wherever people read. To honor the male spirits that protect us needs to be done for everything you do. The ways that you like, but also on the current state of state tax policy beginning Yule. 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