36:21 says, The land enjoyed its sabbath rests; all the time of its desolation it rested, until the seventy years were completed in fulfillment of the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah. This is a reference to Jeremiah 25:11. real rest is to add to the text a notion foreign to it. The "one week" of verse 27 - the final seven years - is the period from Jesus' baptism in AD 26/27 until Stephen's death in about AD 33/34. So it was a 70 year Sabbath from the law of Moses. Thus, the theme of exiled and recovery remains intact throughout. To finish the transgression. it obviosly means "seven year periods.70 weeks are determinded upon thy people means 490 years. Personal updates from Samantha. Enoch's Prophecy of 7 cycles of 490. Also of interest is that the 9th Jubilee was in 966 BC, when Solomon began building the temple, and the 30th Jubilee was in AD 64, when Herod finished rebuilding (refurbishing) Solomons temple. Including photos each week from our outreaches and the weekly review. The first 490 years of the 2,300-year prophecy were designated especially for the Jewish nation of antiquity and the coming of the Messiah. (The 490-year cycles also continue perfectly into the mirror!). And this 1400-year pattern is indeed therea wheel within a wheel of 7000-year within 700 within 70 with 7-years cycles. It is purely economics. But Daniel, in his misconception offers a prayer, it's one of the greatest prayers in the Bible, verses 3-19, Gabriel arrives from heaven to give Daniel the truth, verses 20-23. The prophecy of Daniel 9, therefore, simply reveals further numeric details concerning Jeremiahs prophecy about these missing Sabbaths. Personal updates from Samantha. Then the earth will have a Sabbath rest for 1,000 years in the millennial reign. 25:1-7). Download our eBooks to read on your computers, phone, tablet, or eReader. We must let the text speak for itself and not add to it.). 34Then the land will enjoy its sabbaths all the days of the desolation, while you are in your enemies land; then the land will rest and enjoy its sabbaths. The reoccurring theme within the life Jacob is one of forgiveness. Based on the above, we can now understand why the year of the destruction of the Temple is variously given as 3828 (68 CE), 3829 (69 CE) and 3830 (70 CE). And I gave them my statutes, and showed them mine ordinances, which if a man do, he shall live in them. All this is just the tip of the iceberg of the working of the jubilees and of the 490 of Daniel 9. However, for the sake of simplicity our study will utilize only normal solar years of 365.25 days.). Blue squares represent the three years that God would supply from the harvest of the 6th (48th) year. As we shall see, this 20 years represents the missing jubilees over a 1000-year period. . Thus, the land rested one year from toil and war.) Prior to Babylonian captivity, scholars suggest that for 490 years, the people did not let the land rest-70 sabbath years missed for the land. The Hebrew Bible according to the Jewish canon ends with the book of Chronicles. Jacob and his brother Esau had to forgive one another and later Joseph (Jacobs son) had to likewise forgive his brothers also. (Comp. Math of Dan. 2:1-5; Isaiah 44:28; Isaiah 45-47). The ultimate Sabbath rest is coming, when God's people will enjoy work without toil, hearts without sin, and an earth without thorns. Thus, over the 1000-year period Israel failed to keep 280 years of Sabbaths, so that only 720 years was she allowed to remain n the land because of her unfaithfulness. God commanded this because the land needs to recuperate, gaining back its minerals. The seventh Sabbath rest (7x7=49 years) of the land was a Jubilee year. Therefore, 70 X 7 = 490 years. That he made a proclamation.And he made a voice pass (2Chronicles 30:5). (l) Who threatened the vengeance of God and 70 years captivity, which he called the sabbaths or rest of the land, Jer 25:11. The prophecy would start with the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. He is the author of all the teachings here, and all materials are available free of charge! Yet, there would be some justification for this given these words, in the beginning of the year , which indeed would normally refer to the Day of Atonement that occurs just after Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), but here it more likely refers to the anniversary of when Israel entered the Promised Land in Nisan 10, 1406 BC, in accordance with the religious New Year used throughout the rest of the book of Ezekiel. harvested that grew from previous year just ended. What If You Could Value Something without Agreeing? They had been in the Promised Land for roughly 800 years, and for 490 years, they disobeyed his Sabbath rest. The land will Sabbath rest for 70 years to make up for the 490 years of no Sabbaths. Moreover, Israel, like Judah, fell in three stages. Hence, the above patters repeat themselves except on a 10 times basis, even as 490 is ten times that of 49. 1400 to Aut. Then I said I would pour out my wrath upon them in the wilderness, to consume them. Thus, we can see that the jubilee pattern of seven-times-seven years (49 years) predates the time of the exodus from Egypt as demonstrated from the time frames revealed in Jacobs life. 9:24-27). But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness: they walked not in my statutes, and they rejected mine ordinances, which if a man keep, he shall live in them; and my sabbaths they greatly profaned. This has been presented as additional evidence that the cycle was 49 years, and further that the cycles were being measured until the last Jubilee in the days of Ezekiel, when the stipulations of the Jubilee year, long neglected except in the counting of the priests, could no longer be observed because the people were captive in a foreign land.[26]. . until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths; the sabbatical years, or seventh year sabbaths, which, according to the law of the land, was to rest from being tilled, Leviticus 25:4, which law had been neglected by the Jews, and now, whether they would or not, the land should have rest for want of persons to till it: for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfil threescore and ten years; as threatened in Leviticus 26:34 on which text Jarchi observes, that at the destruction of the first temple the law concerning the sabbath, or rest of the land had been neglected four hundred and thirty years, in which space were sixty nine sabbatical years; and, according to Maimonides (d), it was at the end of a sabbatic year that the city and temple were destroyed, and so just seventy years had been neglected, and the land was tilled in them as in other years, and now it had rest that exact number of years; but of this we cannot be certain, though it is probable. on Judges).). There's a future 490 years, yet future, then the kingdom of God is going to come. Men like things black and white because it is easier to prove or disprove, but Gods goal is to communicate information about Himself and His ways, and by creating alternative (symbolic) dates God has increased the amount of information communicated by these numeric patterns many times fold, Textual Variations in Bible Chronology Reveal Design, Men and Women of Action Celebrate 40 Years, Good News Jail & Prison Ministry Celebrates 50 Years, GA22 AGENDA: WOMEN in MINISTRY on the AGENDA AGAIN, Masons Without the Aprons is the Satanic Lions Club, A Call to Redeem Our Bodies: Weeping in Sexual Brokenness and Walking in Sexual Holiness, RAPTURE in 20 CENTURIES OF BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION, GA22 AGENDA: International General Council, Perry Stone: 100 House members to support a bill to outlaw churches and ministers to say gay lifestyle is sin, What If You Could Value Something without Agreeing? The Kings edict also began the count on the fourth period (known as Daniels 70 weeks) which is the one were in now (Daniel 9:24-27). Each year of captivity represented one seven-year cycle. I know of no exception. (Comp. God Intended Israel to Enter Promised Land, Pentecost, 1445 BC, However, God intended that the seventh-year Sabbath cycles begin 39 years earlier, that is, the year after the exodus from Egypt in 1446 BC. You can also download them to your computer, phone, or tablet. And I gave them my statutes, and showed them mine ordinances, which if a man do, he shall live in them. And this is why in a sense the missing jubilees begin from when Jacob/Israel began to work for a wife after fleeing from his brother by trickery in 1929 BC. The following paragraph has been quoted verbatim from Wikipedia. And so the land enjoyed its missing Sabbath rests as calculated from the very day that God intended it to rest. For about 490 years from Davids reign to the exile, the land was farmed continually until it was long overdue for a Sabbath rest, in fact up to 70 years. This connecting of Jeremiah's prophecy with the declaration in Leviticus 26:34 does not justify us in supposing that the celebration of the sabbath-year had been neglected seventy times, or that for a period of 490 years the sabbath-year had not been observed. . 3Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in its crop, 4but during the seventh year the land shall have a sabbath rest, a sabbath to the LORD; you shall not sow your field nor prune your vineyard 33You, however, I will scatter among the nations and will draw out a sword after you, as your land becomes desolate and your cities become waste. In other words, from the time of Saul to the time of the Babylonian captivity, Israel had not obeyed this command of God. 14:34, Dan. Including photos each week from our outreaches and the weekly review. So in Jeremiah 29:10 the prophet prophesied that they would go into the land of their enemy for 70 years. Daniel 9 speaks of six things they must square away for the 490 years that are determined for them. The span covers a 490-year period, and even 500 years, depending on how one looks at it, and then is repeated a second time. Listen to our Bible studies now from your browser. (519 BC was the second of four decrees that pertain to the prophecy of Daniel 9. . You may wish to know that the year 2025 AD will therefore be 70 Jubilees from 1406 BC, which means that 490 Sabbaths of years would have passed. For more on this see Textual Variations in Bible Chronology Reveal Design. We are not talking about the weekly Sabbath, for the Jews didn't have a problem with that; but they did have a problem with the Shemitah/Sabbath year and Jubilee. 12Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am Jehovah that sanctifieth them. It ended when Persian King Artaxerxes Longimonus gave Nehemiah permission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in 445 BC (Nehemiah 2:1-9). [23] Although the Samaritans stopped counting for the Jubilee some hundreds of years ago, according to a recent report an effort is underway to determine the date when counting ceased in order to resume. My understanding has been that the 70 years Israel spent in exile in Babylon had to do with the Sabbath years that the Lord had commanded them to observe when they came into the Promised Land. As we shall see next, in a sense Jacob/Israel never did enter his rest from his toilsome life, nor did his descendents. read more. Ezra 1:1-3; 3 Esdr. To make an end of sins. Then there is the problem of His crucifixion happening at the end of the 69th week, exactly as Daniel says. To bring in everlasting righteousness. Although Christians typically refer to the period of God bringing everlasting righteousness as 70 weeks, they really mean 70 X 7 years. Seven days are in one week. The seventy-sevens, which are a total of 490 years, can now be sub-divided into three categories: The Seven-Sevens or 49 years; The Sixty-Two Sevens or 434 Years; The Last Seven Years (The Tribulation) The Seven-Sevens or 49 years. As fully grown adults with/without fully grown organs . Intriguingly, Jesus reiterated this 490-year prophecy in referring to how long the Jews should be forgiven. Jack Kelley published over 9,000 Bible Study resources here from 1999, until the Lord called him home in the fall of 2015. That these are in succession one after another without any gaps is also implied in the image itself, for each of the kingdoms is represented in parts of a larger body moving from the head down to the toes. Both 1260 and 1290 signify half a seven-year period. a 'week' of years (7 years) a 'jubilee sabbath' (49 years) a '70-week jubilee' (490 years) The 'week of years' was akin to our 'decade', and 'jubilee' might be likened to our 'century', albeit shorter. I really dont know! . The Jews committed idolatry, child sacrifice, and ritual prostitution. 1399 BC, the first Sabbath year. 3, S. 141), to which the eighty years of the reigns of David and Solomon, and the time of Saul and Samuel, must be added to make up the 490 years (see the comment. I. Read for This Week's Study: Dan. Thus, for example, the prophecy of the 2,300 evenings and mornings should be understood as referring to 2,300 years (Dan. This is the assumption of this website, and it effects dates from the Creation to Jacob. the words of Darius: Saith Darius the king :By the grace of Ormazd I am king; Ormazd has granted me the empire.. ), Notice the midpoint of the 1000 years is 946 BC, when Solomon completed his 20-year building program. Amazingly, 1290 is found in Daniel 12, and 1260 in Revelation 11 and Revelation 12. Total missing Sabbaths and Jubilees over 1000 years = 80 x 2 = 160. The 490 year period during which the Israelites failed to keep the Sabbath for the Land and incurred a 70 year penalty in Babylon was the third one. (Jesus compared Himself to this temple, and with His death, 49 years after it began to be built in 20 BC, John 2:19-20.) Babylon comes back and burns the city and the temple to the ground on the 9th of Av 587 BC. Sevens, or multiples of seven, are common in the life of Jacob. His teachings made the Bible clear and easy to understand, and impacted millions of lives. Apparently the goal of the writer was to align the temple vision of Ezekiel, which the bible says occurred in the 14th yearafter the fall of Jerusalem (in 587/586 BC), with the Jubilees, (Ezek. The 70 years of captivity was at least, in part, God's punishment for their violation of the sabbath law. Each one was actually longer than 490 years, but some scholars believe that for various reasons God didnt count some of the the time in each of the periods. Sign up for our free daily newsletter. This was the reason for being removed from the land. 490 BC reflects AD 490. Leviticus 26 provides the sanctions that God would impose upon His nation for the years that Israel did not obey the specifications of a sabbatical year. In the following we concentrate on the would-be Jubilee year of 1445 BC. Dan 9:25 Know therefore and understand: From the going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem unto Messiah, the Prince, are seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks. For instance, 490 days after Israel arrived at Mount Sinai was the Day of Atonement in 1445 BC, which is also called the day of Jubilee, (Lev. 49 years (7 X 7): The time it takes to rebuild Jerusalem since the time the Babylonians had destroyed it ( Daniel 9: . The last seven years of the 490 years is also highlighted by the prophecy as 483 years plus seven. To calculate the "69 weeks" until the Messiah came, you multiply the 483 years by 360 days. Daniel had just finished praying about the 70 years captivity when he received the revelation of the 70 x 7, and in his prayer is referring to the prophet Jeremiah, who in turn was referring to the missing jubilees. The numbers are exact to the day, not merely approximate as I first said for the sake of argument. Is this symbolic as 1/7th of 490 years (Daniel 9:24-the 490 years between the decree of Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem and the Messiah coming to Jerusalem which was fulfilled literally)? The reduction by 33 years from the standard chronology occurs if we take the coming of Jacob/Israel and his children into Canaan as the terminus a quo. This is the fourth post in a series on the Investigative Judgment, for the previous entry please click HERE. In other words, still future when He spoke, therefore the 490 years/70 weeks were not concluded at His birth. And as implied already, there is also a sense that the time spent in Egypt also be included. (to be exact, nisan 458 to nisan . 11For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. and also into a writing. The remaining missing 20 years (or 700 years from the exodus, plus 20 + 280) to when Israel first began to fall to Assyria in 738 BC is accounted for by the fact that in every year there were about another 7 days of mandatory special Sabbath days (such as the day of Atonement) that Israel was to do no work, which accounts for the 20 years. The Seventh Year of Rest. Bertheau, holding this view, fixes upon 1000 b.c., i.e., the time of Solomon, or, as we cannot expect any very great chronological exactitude, the beginning of the kingly government in Israel, as the period after which the rest-years ceased to be regarded. All the days that it lay desolate it kept Sabbath, to fulfill seventy years.. (605 BC exile/plunder of temple) + 20 years (586 BC exile/destruction of Jerusalem and temple) + 70 (Zerubabbels temple) + 70 (Nehemiah, 445 BC); or, (605 BC) + 70 (leave Babylon and begin to rebuild temple) + 70 (Ezras return to beautify temple) + 20 years (Nehemiah). 12Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. (This was Aut. 36:21 says, "The land enjoyed its sabbath rests; all the time of its desolation it rested, until the seventy years were completed in fulfillment of the . This reckoning would give 47 years from the Jubilee mentioned in the 18th year of Josiah (Megillah 14b) to the Jubilee that took place 14 years after Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians (Arakin 12a), whereas the correct difference was 49 years (623 BC to 574 BC). He is not a Jew which is one outwardly, but he is a . In Christ, we "have [already] tasted . Instead of this Ezra 1:3 has, Iehi, Be; so also 3 Esdr. Tables at 1 Kings 12 (ii. Seventy "sevens," then, is a span of 490 years. The best way to view our articles and Q&A. and would force a Jew to carry their pack for a mile, even on the sabbath. Dozens of examples can be given of this design, but here we will look at just one, that of when Jacob entered the land of Canaan as it relates to the 490 of Daniel 9 and the jubilee cycles. and the Vulg. The entire 490 year period determined upon the people of Israel had six objectives. Browse, sort & search all Bible Study resources. Until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths.Enjoyed is rthh, which Gesenius renders persolvit, made good, discharged, as a debt. Now, because the wilderness wandering in Sinai is being compared to the exile in Babylon a thousand years later, and because the exile is when the land enjoyed its missing Sabbaths, it follows that the 40 years in the literal wilderness of Sinai also is to be included in the span of time required of Israel to pay back its missing Sabbaths. This means that Israel to the north not only failed to keep the seven-year Sabbaths for the land, but also the seven-day Sabbaths as well. By causing it to remain uncultivated for seventy years, God gave to the land a time of rest and refreshment, which its inhabitants, so long as they possessed it, had not given it. Cyrus even returned the gold and silver that Nebuchadnezzar had sacked from the Temple in 600 B.C. For almost 6,000 years the earth has been corrupted by sin. It is ironic that Israel took 490 years to rob the land of 70 Sabbath Year rests and God, in answering Daniel's prayer, revealed a different 490 year prophecy that is represented through 70 weeks. Like this post? But this flies in the face of the plain reading of Lev. It is reduced by either 33 years or 215 years, depending on whether the text is understood as referring to when Abraham entered the land of Canaan or when Jacob and his children entered the land of Canaan (after his 20 years sojourn). We grow food to support a community, build and repair homes, and support the poor, widows, and the fatherless. . Hence, midway is the middle of the 490 x 2 years, and of the jubilee cycles under study. That these are in succession one after another without any gaps also is implied in the image itself, for each of the kingdoms is repre- . The context of the prophecy in Daniel 9 itself makes this connection certain, for the prophecy came to Daniel upon completion of the 70 missing Sabbath years as earlier prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah. I am quoting it verbatim because Wikipedia articles are notorious for being rewritten and so this quote might otherwise be lost. Remember that we were talking about the fact the Church Age, God going to the Gentiles with what Paul called "His Gospel," was something that had been hidden from the whole human race. (It is evident that NT writers relied heavily upon the LXX when citing OT passages.) Hence, the prophecy of 30 jubilees actually ended at Christ and at the fall of Jerusalemboth. Read all of Daniel 9 again. (Israel served Baal, and put up their own temple to Baal in Samaria.) Technically doing that much work on the sabbath was forbidden by Jewish law. The message is plain: The nation under the Mount Sinai covenant failed to keep and will never keep the covenant to the satisfaction of God, thus the New Covenant in Christs blood is needed. (The 720 is divided in half as 360 x 2 yearsa day for each yearjust as the 280 is divided into 140 x 2.) 14I will be found by you, declares the LORD, and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, declares the LORD, and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.. Dan 9:2 in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years whereof the word of Jehovah came to Jeremiah the prophet, for the accomplishing of the desolations of Jerusalem, even seventy years. The word . [24] A second historical argument has been presented to the effect that the two instances of a Jubilee mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud (tractates Arakin 12a and Megillah 14b) appear to be proper historical remembrances, because the known calculation methods of rabbinic scholarship were incapable of correctly calculating the dates of the Jubilees mentioned. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
To summarise: 70 year exile for Israel and kingdoms round about of Jeremiah25 and 2Chronicles36:: 609Tishri (last missed Sabbath in North) - 539Tishri (Cyrus takes Babylon) Following the Babylonian captivity, Daniel is told that there will be another period of 490 before another reckoning (Daniel 9:24). also Jeremiah 29:10 : Thus saith the Lord, After seventy years be accomplished for Babylon, I will visit you.). Over a space of 490 years, exactly 70 years were intended to lay fallow because one in every seven years was to be fallow, that is, a Sabbath year. The following words, as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath (literally, all the days of the desolation she rested) are taken from Leviticus 26:34-35. He worked six days and rested the seventh. Daniel studied the prophecy of Jeremiah and knew it was time. The connection between the prophecy of Jeremiah and the provision of the law is to be understood theologically, and does not purport to be calculated chronologically. So some MSS. The god of heaven was a title of Ormazd or Ahuramazda, the Supreme Being according to Persian belief, which was Zoroastrianism. After this, the tribes gradually began to cultivate their lands more and more as their individual territories expanded, and this took many generations because the land was never fully subdued, (Judges 1). Throughout all his kingdom . (Hence, the full parameter of the 1000 years spans 700 + 300 years = 1000. 1257 BC. "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. (Jesus tabernacled among us. John 1.). 25:11-12; 29:10-14) This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years. . Jack Kelley published over 9,000 Bible Study resources here from 1999, until the Lord called him home in the fall of 2015. Your browser Jeremiah 29:10 the prophet prophesied that they would go into the will! In Jeremiah 29:10 the prophet prophesied that they would go into the mirror! ) ( Israel served,. 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