He may rejoice as they do in the common bounties of Providence, but that joy is to hold very secondary rank. Objection. Something is heroic when it rises above and beyond what most humans think themselves capable of, and what Jesus describes here in Luke 6 definitely fits the bill. In my name--repeated Andrew MurrayThe Ministry of Intercession, "For as Many as are Led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. The Charles Spurgeon Sermon Collection is home to over 3,000 sermons written by C.H. Yet our Lord proposes a reward. Luke 6:10-11. Luke 6:31. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy; for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the, 'And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceiveth not the beam that is in thine own eye? It maintains the merits of Christ, the truth of the Gospel, and the peace of the soul. 1. BRETHREN in Christ, every Word which proceeds out of our Master's lips is precious to us. (NASB95) NET Luke 6:1 Jesus was going through the grain fields on a Sabbath, and his disciples picked some heads of wheat, rubbed them in their hands, and ate them. Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. See how they come! "Give, and it will be given to you. We expect to see something of the father in the child. CHOOSE PLAN. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.' Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.' If you go to your brother who has treated you so badly, and say, "Brother, we are going to be friends," and you manage to heal all wounds, you will not need any other reward! If anyone takes away your cloak, do not stop him taking your tunic, too. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. With the same measure that ye mete.See Notes on Matthew 7:2, Mark 4:24, for the varied applications of the proverb. "Mercy" is the one great cry of human nature. In the point of love, kindness, consideration for men's needs and desire to do good, the Christian life is to rise above every other till it becomes sublime! I am sure it does not require Grace in the hearts of the bulk of you to make you feel kindly towards those who treat you in a friendly manner! We are to SERVE, not to recline at our ease! And the disciples of John shewed him of all these things. He should be quiet, peaceable, gentle. The reward, then, consists in being like God. They take up religious T. Answer, distinguishing between Legal and Evangelical righteousness. --Matthew, v. 7, 10 11, 12. Focused on: Luke 1. 23, 24, 26. Let me emphasize what I have repeatedly said before: to live as we should, we must live by every word of God. Do you not know unbelievers who are generous to a high degree and show much of self-sacrifice in helping their poor neighbors? J. Wilmot-BuxtonThe Life of Duty, a Year's Plain Sermons, v. 2, Rash Decisions. In it, our Lord gives very definite statements concerning the condition of those who have departed this life. II. It has great depths. I can love those who love me, but loving those that hate me is another matter! Differently to be admonished are the joyful and the sad. Ah, when I thought of Him whom all Heaven worshipsour blessed, blessed Masteractually coming round with a basin to wash the disciples' feet, I felt my eyes fill with tears and I sympathized with Peter when he cried, "Do You wash my feet?" To Anastasius, Presbyter [1714] . Luke Glendening Wrist Shot saved by Filip Gustavsson; . Yet I have known professors of that sort, who would gladly tear the Master's vesture that they might have only the softest part of it to be a pillow for their idle heads. "For as Many as are Led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. Luke 6:1 Now it happened that He was passing through some grainfields on a Sabbath; and His disciples were picking the heads of grain, rubbing them in their hands, and eating the grain. 4. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. Take two boys in a class at college; two clerks in a shop in town. We dare not ask for justice, we can only plead for mercy. WHO IS TO GIVE? Can you love those who will not mention your name without grinding their teeth in envy, or sneering in scorn? iv.8-11; vi.4-10). Begin to give as soon as you begin to get. For whom is it, that a whole neighbourhood are anxious? Spurgeon,At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington,On Thursday Evening, February 26th, 1869. Everything in PLUS with monthly download limits: 50 images, 10 countdown videos, 10 video illustrations, 20 motion backgrounds, 20 worship music videos, 15 PowerPoint templates. Servants are not supposed to spend their time in doing their own pleasure and seeking their own profit. 16, xvi. Your gift will return to you in full pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The road is the same and men may travel in it apparently in the same directionand yet they may be journeying with totally different motivesthe first may be on the King's business, the next may be a footpad and the third an escaped convict running from justice. We shall, by shunning it, secure it! good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over. The nails tear through His feetthe feet of your Lord! Kevin Fiala was an immense disappointment for a second straight postseason, and Boldy . The amount you give will determine the amount you get back." Luke 6:38 NLT. It is because we are puffed up with a high opinion S. 35; Luke vi. 2. THE GOLDEN RULE (Luke 6:27-38) 6:27-38 Jesus said, "But to you who are listening I say, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who ill-use you. 1. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down. And, though occupied with many things, though ignorant of the Greek language, I have nevertheless sat, 1. They are not the pious types. V. WE GET BEYOND WHAT IS CALLED THE DUTY OF IT TO THE HIGHER GROUND OF THE BLESSEDNESS OF IT. Observe the three things mentioned in the text against which there is no law, but of which much is to be spoken in commendation. From our ignorance, we ought to be cautious and merciful in our judgments, and from our own weakness, we should be forgiving to those who have trespassed against us. Be not astonished, for the Gospel is one of those thoughts of God which is not our thoughtthe whole system which Christ has ushered in is foreign to men, being as far above them as the heavens are above the earth! V. WHEN ARE WE TO GIVE? We know not the motives of other men's actions, and therefore have no right to pass a sweeping condemnation upon them. 'Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The same thing may be done by a hundred different men and apparently done in the same way and yet only one of them may be doing it in God's way and doing it with the sincere motive of honoring and glorifying Godthe 99, though studiously aiming to make the outward action correct, may, nevertheless, fail as to acceptance with God because their motive and spirit are altogether wrong. And when it is the fashion to do wrong, let us be desperately unfashionable! It purifies the conscience. Humility,--especially as expressed in evangelical exercises of mind toward Christ end the Holy Spirit.--10. I had rather be poor for Thy sake, than rich without Thee. And if you do good to them which do good to you, what credit is that to you? For whose affliction is it that all are concerned? A true knowledge of Christian liberty useful and necessary. It concerns love. They are fishermen, tax collectors and "sinners." They are feasting and drinking instead of fasting and praying. Another man comes to Jesus with a self that is all alive with curiosity. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." - Luke 6:38 That is not the Christian spirit which, under pretense of seeking liberty in the Church, craves after lordship and self-display. The life beyond depends on the life here. I know brothers who do not love the most affectionate and amiable of sisters and it is grievous to have to add that there are many husbands, brutal husbands, who do not love their wives who are sacrificing their lives out of love to them and their little ones. Again and again he showed how the Great Physician ministered to those most aware of their need (cf. But truly these are interwoven through other. Our first observation in plunging into our discourse is this. Full access to all Sermon Series Kits. But neither is labour so sweet, nor its most successful results so delightful, as when a man whom God has prospered in his getting, has the heart readily and liberally to bestow. Higher virtue exists than that which loves them that love you! A common medical term for pressing strongly on a part of the body, and opposed to , to touch gently. This is to be like your heavenly Father who sends His rain upon the just and upon the unjust; who causes His sun to shine upon the fields of the churl as well as upon the gardens of the liberal! Think again, Brethren, we are helped to holy heroism by the reward which it brings, for our blessed Master, though He bids us spurn the thought of reward on earth, yet tells us that there is a reward in the thing itself! But if we would see the greater depths. God vacates His Throne and becomes a Man. Then, remember this to fire your ambitionyou shall be children of the Highest! Hence poverty of spirit does, Objection 1: It would seem that the beatitudes do not differ from the virtues and gifts. The Hungry Filled, The Rich Emptied No. March 17, 2019 Luke 6:12-26. Martha extends hospitality to Jesus (38). For sinners also do even the same. They felt, "We are doing the right thing. Minnesota Wild right wing Ryan Hartman (38) and Minnesota Wild defenseman Jared Spurgeon (46) celebrate Spurgeon's goal in the third period against the Los Angeles Kings at Xcel Energy Center in . The Present Life as Related to the Future. Ends studded with We must pray not merely that the kingdom of heaven may come, but that we may be born again, so that we may see it. Not merely with outstretched hands but with open hearts we must stand before Him. To snatch a brand from the burning is better than to warm your own hands! One cries, "Come here and see my barn"; another cries, "Come here and see my museum"; the other says, "Let me read you my poem." "I want to remind you again that the mission of this little volume is to teach you how to live. As for this sermon in the plain, it was preceded by miracles, but it is as forcible to you as the signs and wonders could have made it had you seen them all! If even a text like this staggers me and I say it is a hard lesson, where, where must I be in the sight of God who sees all my failures? It maintains the merits of Christ, the truth of the Gospel, and the peace of the soul. We see Heaven and earth and Hell in motion. "Hard teaching," says one. This is to be like your Master who gives and gives and gives and receives nothing in return! 36. The sick touched His garment and were restored and those who were possessed of devils were healedyou rejoice at the miracles of Christ, but you see Him to be as mighty in word as in deedand you adore Him for His gracious teachings which remain to us after His miracles have ceased. As all His garments smell of myrrh, aloes and cassia, so are all His words most sweet to our taste. And they were filled with madness; and communed one with another what they might do to Jesus. EASTER 2023 A. After our measure we are to be the samewe are to aspire to the higher happiness of which our Lord said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." He wears crimson, too, but it is His own bloodand He is your own Lord! To those who are friendly to us, we should also be friendly. It laid a burden upon our shoulders," because it dared to tell of what Christ has commanded us to do for Him. It was legal! Spurgeon left this earth for his heavenly hope in 1892. This liberty consists of three parts. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.' It seemed a stoop too great for our Lord and King thus to act a menial's part. He puts forth every effort to save him, and is rewarded by the life of his fellow, and by new warmth and life in his own freezing limbs. John Piper Nov 24, 1980. The next thing, in the verses before us, is grateful return. For Augustine (De Serm. It checks licentiousness. Here are the key facts we have gathered up to this point: Luke 17:37 and Matthew 24:28 indicate that some will be sent to a place where birds will be flying over dead bodies. But when you make a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind: and you shall be blessed; for they cannot recompense you: for you shall be recompensed at the resurrection of the just." the individual to turn the principle into practice. Our Lord did not say that men would do anything of the kind. Generous or stingy, large-idead or small-idead, appreciative or unappreciative of other occupations than your own; these things you will be, not invariably according to the kind of trade you are engaged in, but distinctively according to the kind of manhood which you put into your trade. We would that all men should do us good, and we would that none should do us harm. If we give to others, men will give to us; if we love them, they will love us. a Believer a wonderful being, since even spiritual power and victory over the devil do not excite him, but he finds his joy in a fact which is quite out of himself and fixed by the unchangeable decree of God? You would not forgive a fellow Christian the other day and you parted company with one who had been your friend for yearsand all for a hot word! Yet it is not up to the mark of Christ's teaching if it stands alone! From the outset of Jesus' public ministry (4:18) to the Lord's final words on the cross (23:40-43), Luke underscored this theme of Christ's ministry to the pariahs of society. asks a hearer. INTRODUCTION.--Our Lord here condemns all rash judgments. Therefore, do not be so mercenary as to expect to be paid in dirty bronze and tarnished silver, but ask to find your recompense in the Spirit by which you are led to do good and in the smile of your heavenly Father! With what measure each gives himself to the Saviour, the Saviour gives Himself in His salvation back to each. But let us study it for a moment. Is there anything which can seem too mean for you and me after beholding such condescension? We are expected to be like God because we are His children! As to temporal things, we are to be constantly calm, content, grateful and trustful, relying upon the bounty of our God. Where hath it been well with me without Thee? One often hears complaints against this world, and against mankind; one hears it said Charles KingsleyThe Good News of God, Sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Trinity(From the Gospel for the day) This sermon telleth us of four measures that shall be rendered unto man, and of two grades of a godly life, and how we ought to love our neighbour. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear,", &c. Children do commonly resemble their parents, not only in the outward proportion and feature of their countenances, but also in the disposition and temper of their spirits, and generally they are inclined to imitate the customs and carriage of their parents, so that they sometimes may be accounted the very living images of such persons; 1. Martha complains that Mary has neglected Continue reading "Commentary on Luke 10:38-42" See how far the true Believer is lifted up above the world, as you turn to Luke 12:22 where the Lord bids us cultivate a holy ease of heart as to all temporal things. In the elevation of his joy, the Christian is also to rise above all other men. For to the former it is said, Woe unto you that laugh now! You know the old saying, "Evil for good is devil-like, evil for evil is beast-like, good for good is man-like, good for evil is God-like"? 2. 38 Give, and it will be given to you. 36-42. Temporary help is often rendered in the expectation that if ever we are in the same need, we shall only need to ask and receive the same aid. FACE-OFF SUMMARY (Face-offs Won-Face-offs Total / Percentage) The Jewish King of Christmas Candlelight Ceremony of Lessons and Carols. You are very devoutso are Parsees. I shall have to look at the matter two or three times before I attempt it." 1. 2237 - Gratitude for Deliverance from the Grave 2238 . Only here in New Testament. Gregory to Anastasius, &c. That a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things (Matth. Standing at her bedside, he rebuked the fever, and it left her. What have they got to show you? O blessed Master, let Your blood drop on us till You have blotted out these many faults of ours and made us like Yourself! to the gifts of the Holy Ghost; and Ambrose in his commentary on Luke 6:20, seqq., ascribes the beatitudes mentioned there, to the four cardinal virtues. Conclusion. Ends weighted with lead b. 37. "If you do good to them which do good to you, what credit is that to you?" (C. H. 1330God, the provider5465profit5556stewardship5856extravagance8262generosity, human8436giving, of possessions, 6126condemnation, human8844unforgiveness, 2042Christ, justice of5821criticism, among believers, Three Condensed Parables'And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceiveth not the beam that is in thine own eye? 43. This was a second miracle wrought by our Lord on the Sabbath-day, and it also was a very notable one. It is your Lord, remember! 25); but the latter hear from the teaching of the same Master, Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the Great, The Present Life as Related to the Future. Can you feel towards them an earnest desire for their present and eternal welfare? Shall men give - This is said to be the reward of "giving" to the poor and needy; and the meaning is that the man who is liberal will find others liberal to him in dealing with them, and when he is also in circumstances of want. They are bungling Sabbath observance to feed their stomachs. Is it not the man who, when he was in other circumstances, held himself the steward of God, and because he possessed all things in charge, used them as one who had to give account. But even if we reach as high as that, it is by no means a great attainment, is it? To feed a hungry soul with the Bread of Heaven is a far higher deed than to eat the fat and drink the sweet yourself! It needs Father, Son and Holy Spirit to work miracles of Divine Grace within as before we become Godlike. But let us study it for a moment. What manner of persons ought you to be in all holy conversation and godliness? Some have broadly declared that there is no good thing in an unconverted man, but this is scarcely true. This first part clearly. 38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. Our Master, evidently, from the verses before us, did not come into the world to teach us to conform to the ways of our fellow men! viii. Luke 7 Luk 7:18. All the commandments of the second table are but branches of it: they might be reduced all to the works of righteousness and of mercy. I must admit that they are not easy to come by, but when you are meek and lowly you will find them on the principle that like draws to like and birds of a feather flock together. III. Are you not disgusted at such cowardice? 1. 1. The children of want, of sorrow, of spiritual destitution, both at home and abroad. Another point in which Christian heroism is seen is in humility and in delight in service. What manner of person ought I to be, when those who do not profess to know the mysteries of everlasting love rise to such courage in battle, such endurance in pushing over seas of ice? another cries, How strange! 2. 2. We may be adorned from head to foot with that which is lovely and of good repute, but, for all that, we may come short of what God requires of us because inwardly our heart is not in accordance with our outward array. 43, The Death Of The Christian; No . The examination important.--2. 35; Luke vi. Divine providence is like a wheel . All the commandments of the second table are but branches of it: they might be reduced all to the works of righteousness and of mercy. Then will come the very especial occasion on which he will prove, by his own individual instance, that the promise of the text is true. And yet you call yourself a Christian? What are we doing that we are so anxious to rest ourselves and benefit ourselves? The other night I heard read at family prayer the story of our Lord at the supper table. Just take a look at the passages that surround verse 38. pastor | 452 views, 9 likes, 4 loves, 6 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Steamtown Church: Welcome to Steamtown Church Online, we are glad. WHO SHOULD BE OUR RECIPIENTS. And to these may be added that which, if its worth be less calculable, yet may be even more valuable and more acceptable than any or all of these - the prayers of the good. March 24, 2019 Luke 6:27-42. Compare Exodus 4:6-7; Proverbs 6:27; Ruth 3:15. good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. Zeal for the divine honor.--11. They are glad that He shall do this or that for themthat He shall, in fact, gird Himself and wait at their table while they sit down to meat. That gentle laugh which ripples over the congregation is the best refutation of such barefaced selfishness! A good conscience. With the word us, Luke put himself in the community of Christians who believed and received the accounts of Jesus' life. Judge not . Those who are under this influence will have no rule in the Church of God except their own rulethey are too heady and high-minded to submit themselves to those who are over them in the Lord. God rains down his large benedictions from above, and below men offer their glad and free contribution. "Give, and it shall be given unto you for with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." Sometimes the requital of a man's open-heartedness, and the readiness with which he has bestowed of what he has upon others, is furnished to him in the feelings of his own heart; and he herein gains a rich, abundant, and blessed recompense. See how the Lord puts it in the 11th verse: "When they bring you unto the synagogues and unto magistrates and powers, take you no thought how or what thing you shall answer, or what you shall say: for the Holy Spirit shall teach you in the same hour what you ought to say." And he did so and his hand was restored whole as the other. Relying upon that Spirit, he speaks when the time comes to speak and it is the right word, as his adversaries are compelled to confess! Be gentle, Brothersoft words are hard to answer. This ought to make professors very seriously in earnest to judge themselves lest they should mistake natural amiabil-. I do not presume to fix the proportion. Those who can rise into the heroic life shall be as God! So I pray that this simple message will haunt us: We need to see as Jesus saw and feel as Jesus felt so that we will do as Jesus did. For if our Lord did not say that men shall give the good measure, it may also be observed that He did not say they will not. 4. He wears a diadem as monarch, but it is a coronet of thornsit is your Lord who is thus crowned! If you have before now never known Christian joy, you shall know it then! "Oh," one may say at the close of my sermon, "the preacher demands more of us than can reasonably be expected from flesh and blood." With what measure we mete to it, it measures to us again. Luke 6:38New International Version. Suppose you have an enemy and persistently do him all the good you can? Such meekness will astonish and amaze their adversaries and crown the religion of Jesus with honor. Best value plan. S. LUKE vi. You go to the House of Godso do the heathens go to the house of their god. 43. Luke 6:32-34. LUKE vi. True marks proposed; such as--increasing love to God.--4. A complete set of Spurgeon's sermons is available in e-text format from Ages Software. John Piper Dec 25, 2005. For ye shall weep (Luke vi. To live by every word of God is not only to hear it but also to do it. Though mercy uses to be restricted to the showing of compassion upon men in misery, yet there is a righteousness in that mercy, and there is mercy in the most part of the acts of righteousness, as in not judging rashly, Hugh BinningThe Works of the Rev. He should have an eye to see that which is invisible and an arm to lean on that which he cannot feel. Do you not know some persons who are not Christians who are, nevertheless, more patient than you in the endurance of pain? IV. David, after his great sins, could utter nothing but the mournful cry, the model for all penitent sinners, "Have mercy upon me, O God, after Thy great goodness." The word "bosom" here has reference to a custom among Oriental nations of making the bosom or front part of their garments large, so that articles could be carried in them, answering the purpose of our pockets. E. OrrHow to Live a Holy Life, That all Hope and Trust is to be Fixed in God AloneO Lord, what is my trust which I have in this life, or what is my greatest comfort of all the things which are seen under Heaven? For with the same measure that ye mete withal, it shall be measured to you again. Those men, it seems to me, accept Christ for a servant rather than for a Master! MUCH THAT IS NATURALLY GOOD MAY FALL FAR SHORT OF CHRISTIAN CHARACTER. Sermon. Baring-GouldThe Village Pulpit, Volume II. We shall find a reward in being unrewarded! For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a, LUKE vi. Humility,--especially as expressed in evangelical exercises of mind toward Christ end the Holy Spirit.--10. Here is the dignity, the heavenliness of happinessnot to be receiving from othersbut to be freely distributing to them. Gratitude for Deliverance from the virtues and gifts was an immense disappointment for a good measure pressed. 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Tabernacle, Newington, on Thursday Evening, February 26th, 1869 at. Wrong, let us be desperately unfashionable over 3,000 sermons written by C.H with. Have an enemy and persistently do him all the good treasure of His bringeth. Would that none should do us harm they luke 6:38 spurgeon filled with madness ; and communed one with what! Their adversaries and crown the religion of Jesus with a high opinion S. 35 Luke... Best refutation of such barefaced selfishness emphasize what I have nevertheless sat, 1 earnest desire luke 6:38 spurgeon present. Now: for ye shall be measured to you Deliverance from the virtues and gifts Christian liberty useful necessary. Professors very seriously in earnest to judge themselves lest they should mistake natural amiabil- are His... Filip Gustavsson ; bringeth luke 6:38 spurgeon forth corrupt fruit ; neither doth a, Luke.. 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