Arguably, Fenbendazole has more research on more cancers, but oncologists cannot prescribe this to you, they'd be struck off - it is not licensedfor humans, only animals. Let us know if it works for her. 12. Another example is my haircut lady (who again, is not a doctor) injured her thumb and was told by her doctor that she needed to transplant a tendon from one part of her body to her thumb. Some people take it 3 day on 4 off, some 1 gram a day, some 2 or even 4 grams a day. Wake up people we are Biological not a chemical factory which pollutes are immune system. why are the celtics wearing black bands tonight; suzanne o'malley fashion designer; rig 700hx vs stealth 600 gen 2; wilson staff d200 yellow vs red If the answer is not to continue the path that is clearly not working , perhaps it is to look back instead , to restore to health care the almightys messages for health, to restore common sense and to focus on effective and safer solutions. Butonce cancer goes to spread thecancer cells tend to use the lymph and switch to burning fat; and needing fat to stick to potential blood supplies and to form all thosenew membranes they need. Fenbendazole- is easier to get hold of - trycontacting Pet Store suppliers and finding 'Panacur'. ImmPower is 3 mushrooms hybrid together. You will need it!!! We want all the info you can give us please or be able to speak to someone over the phone thats actually been through this. Some people are already on beta blockers, blood thinners, or anti-depression medicines, and they think to add more?. Curcumin: 600 mg (2 pills per day) of bio-available curcumin 7 days a week. 25 milligrams daily, taken sublingually (under the tongue). @Patsy Neville Would this help her? It is worth a try! Thank You So Very Much! So Joe Tippens recommendation includes 4 days off per week. * Heparin - not something you go outand buy, then take, but this anti-coagulant is used with DVT and operations to prevent blood clots. US businessman Joe Tippens was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in 2016. I have multiple myeloma which is a blood and bone marrow cancer. 5 year average life and Im 2 years in. can this help me? I believe the dog wormer got rid of my cancer! After the surgery i began the journey of radiation treatments with Temodar. "Learn how to take control of your oestrogen levels", A recipe book by Chris Woollams and Barbara Cox. I have my 3 month tests and checkup June 24 and am expecting to see my CA 125 number lower than 15.1 at my March appointment. Platelets are involved in cancerprogression - in forming blood supplies, in cell growth, in metastasis. That does exactly the same job as Dipyridamole - bothlowerplatelets (and this reduces angiogenesis, growth andprogression- we've used 8 gm turmericseveral times with people and seen the cancer go away. Some aspects of the protocol, such as vitamin E and curcumin, may interfere with chemotherapy and radiation due to their anti-oxidant properties. Hope I got that right. Thank you so much. Tippens said he received a tip from a veterinarian who. "My insurance company spent $1.2 million on me with traditional means before I switched to a $5 a week medicine that actually saved me," he said. Everyone here is trying it. My husband had a radical prostatectomy a year ago, one nerve spared, the cancer had left the capsule. says to take about 222 mg of fenbendazole three days in a row each week. - CBD oil: 25 mg sublingually (under the tongue) seven days a week. Pathway 2: Curcumin: Curcumin has always been part of my protocol, but even the product that I have previously recommended, Theracurmin HP, simply does not tackle the problem of absorption into the blood stream. Theres another sister drug of Fenbendazole, called, Fenbendazole - frequently asked questions, Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol- Relevant Research and News, We have found that mebendazole (MZ), a derivative of benzimidazole, induces a dose- and time-dependent apoptotic response in human. So, what off-label drugs might help you? Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. For more information, please see our A particularherb might be significantlybetter than a repurposed drug. The dose you choose to take should be assessed based on your other medications and treatments, your type of cancer, prognosis, organ function and lab values. Joe's Website: Joe's Facebook (group is limited): Each gram of Panacur C contains 222 mg of fenbendazole. Help tobuild a repurposed drugprogramme? That link is for the powder not tablets. For this reason, it is essential to provide your Heal Navigator nurse with laboratory reports, a current medication/trreatment list, and medical history, so the safety risks for each individual can be assessed and discussed. What is the correct dosage? spinal cord injury, fibromyalgia, Lymesneed I say more, so my immune system is constantly being bombarded. They claim to have had great results to date and to, at least, double life expectancy for people withcancer. Fenbendazole is taken for three days, then you have 4 days off. We know some off-labeldrugs cannot be used together;forexample,NiclosamideandFenbendazole, but what others mightforma cocktail thatisdangerous to some people. How long do I need to be on this protocol? Since Fenbendazole is not licensed for the treatment of cancer in humans, there is no correct dose that is supported by research, pharmacists or physicians. Itis almostuniversallyeffective. Hi, can you take it as a preventitive measure?! It is a simple anti-fungal with few side-effects and attacks mTor and AMPK to drivers of cancer. But since they have a cancer issuetry 2 in the morning and 2 in the eveningas a kickstarter, for two days. You are prepared to take seven or eight drugs that have probably never everbeen tested together because you've read about it in a book or a newspaper? I will continue to pray for good health!. . 'Functional Medicine'. We are not taking a ridiculous position as Steve Jobs did when he was diagnosed with cancer and telling people to ignore treatments that have been proven to work. Natural antihistamines do exist - for example,quercetin, bromelain, stinging nettle, vitamin C, ginkgo, elderberry, flavonoids, vitamin A, pycnogenol. Since 2005, this is how we have been successfully treating peoplewith cancer. * Then take no fenbendazole for four days. . @Nancy Thompson. It must not be taken with Niclosamide. This has now been fixed thanks to YOUR comment. Some had been diagnosed with terminal cancer..brain,lung,colon, and myself with profuse aktinik keratosis, one lady friend had 4 female parts removal surgery and Drs. Specifially, it is Fenbendazole 1mg/Ml. who is the ugliest member of bts 03/09/2023 el zonte, el salvador real estate . Book now - pay when you stay. I noticed that they stopped making tablets so we dont take them. FBZ belongs to the benzimidazole drug class which destabilize microtubules through a mechanism similar to the anti-oncogenic vinca alkaloids. We sometimes use both. Thank you. He continues to take the anti-worming medication and dietary supplements as prevention. @Patricia Meeke We recommend that you also take fenbendazole as well as anastrozole. The Happy Healing company states that their products are manufactured by a FDA registered facility and are quality tested to be pure and free of contaminants. Is there any protocol that can be tried on the horse? One gentlemanJoeTippensdeveloped a protocol and beat his Grade 4, stage 4NSCLCin three months, usingCBDand vitamin D as well. Normally $697 BUY THE COURSE Already Purchased? There is research showing thatin women with breasttumours, those taking it before surgery hadtheir tumours in part killed by the antibiotic. He was told he had less than 1% chance of survival and about 3 months to live. Low Dose Naltrexone, orLDNhas been describedas'better than the new immunotherapy drugs'and it is known to helpin pain management. Also, they say to take 222 mg what does that equal to like 1/4 tsp? When she returned 3 months after the last visit, her MRI and CT scans showed the tumors had shrunk, the thickening between colon and bladder had thinned, and the fingers reaching out from tumors had shrunk back to the tumors! This is for Ann, about her mothers horse. Login! Three and a half months later, he went in for a scan and he was totally clear! Joe Tippens was only given three months to live. The Sleeping drug. Such a procedure would have greatly weakened the tooth and made it prone to complications as the decades went by. Fenbendazole sounds quite exciting and promising. He added a few other things to his regimen such as curcumin and Vitamin E, now known as the Joe Tippens Protocol. Why? So, off label drugs to tackle the issues? Big pharma and the medical are not in the business of curing, they only treat the systems not the problem, They are not taught, you cant blame the doctors. I was at the dr office one day, and the nurse was telling me about some supplies from the vet, that they use in the dr office, only 100 times the price! I would like to say Well Done Joe Tippems, I thank you you have done more than Drs can do. Quercetin is not harmful to healthy cells yet powerful against cancer cells, making it a good candidate for a supplementary factor along with other anticancer medications. I was diagnosed at the end July with stage 4 colon cancer with mets to liver. After treatment with conventional chemotherapy and radiation he was handed a death sentence (three months to live) in early 2017. The research included injecting different types of cancers into different mice body parts. She Googled her condition online and instead opted to immobilize her thumb for 6 weeks and it healed on its own. I work for an Equine Pharmacy and we have Fenbendazole for horses. Oncologists don't prescribeherbs or supplements! - chemotherapy? can this be done instead of having to go to surgery maybe these pills will cure the cancer need to know asp. 2015 Nov ;35(11):5773-88. Knowledge is power and at Lifeboat we wish to spread knowledge to everyone! Unfortunately, many cancers are not diagnosed until late stages, that is why preventative measures are what Im going for. We recently covered four newresearch studies on how antibiotics 'scar' the microbiome and your body. There is research from Prof. MichaelLisanti and his team in Manchester, Salford, that it does seem to work. Joe Tippins said, Many people take this regimen concurrent with chemo, immunotherapy and radiation.. Tippens uses Panacur C from Merck Animal Health. The cancer later spread to his neck, right lung, stomach, liver, bladder, pancreas and tail bone. (To order the book - call 0203 186 1006). I have a strong faith in this dog wormer! Also, they say to take 222 mg what does that equal to like 1/4 tsp?! Joe Tippens Cancer Protocol Dosages. It does however seem to have more than its fair share of side-effects. THIS IS DOWNRIGHTDANGEROUS!!! Download the Ziffit app and choose CANCERactive at the checkout. The number 1 antioxidant in the body and a huge anti-inflammatory,itreduces natural, acid, hasalmost universal ability to boost the. Antiparasitic mebendazole shows survival benefit in 2 preclinical models of glioblastoma multiforme. Most Doctors callMelatonin adrug. Wasn't thatthe most important list you need if you have a cancer stage/grade 3 or 4 and want to try something different? What different types of cancer has this med helped? He added a few other things to his regimen such as curcumin and Vitamin E, now known as the "Joe Tippens Protocol". I work for an Equine Pharmacy and we offer Omprezole/Fenbendazole for horses. The first thing you must consider is 'what am I trying to do?'. Since 2005/6, to cut blood sugar levels, I have been using the herbBerberine (1) (3 x 500 mg a day). The fact is thatturmeric has loads more benefits than Dipyridamole- it kills microbes, it is anti-inflammatory and protects healthy cells. It looks like practitioners for breast, ovarian and similar cancers get the best results with 1 part THC: 4 parts CBD. I go back in March for my first mammogram since my cancer treatments. Etc. *Fenbendazole-GBM,NSCLC, lymphoma, metastaticColorectal Cancer, prostate cancer (also blocks uptakeof sugar). Businessman Joe Tippens had small cell lung cancer that had metastasised all over his body. But doctors later enrolled him in a clinical trial they hoped could give him more time. Your Heal Navigator nurse will discuss this with you at the time of your consultation. 80 per centof people on cancer diagnosis have severely low levels of vitamin D;as you correct anyshortage your survival increases. The nurses with Heal Navigator are not able to consult about the use of fenbendazole for dogs. Some people using this protocol use CBD oil, while others choose to add THC. Cancer is scary But dont let Eric or anyone extort your vulnerable state. Berberine is known to be a chemosensitiser, it improves the effectiveness of chemo. Plus I used the CBC oil with Thc in it and it keep me from being sick! People who have come to me for a Personal Prescription hear that they built a body conducive to cancer over a 6-10 year period, and that I want to nowbuild them a body conducive to health. (18 = 250 mg), Does it help for a orevenative forcancer to return. say that God must have done it. Shes only 65. A veterinarian friend of his in western Oklahoma called him and told him about a cancer research experiment he had learned about in which a dog-deworming medicine had cured cancer in the experimental mice and when the researcher developed cancer, she used the same medicine on herself and her glioblastoma was . He has had whole brain radiation and know they are trying him on Keytruda. The following PET scan showed remarkable improvement, and after a few months, he was declared cancer-free. It has already been used as an anti-cancer chemotherapy in the USA as it destroys rapidly dividing cells. We have found that mebendazole (MZ), a derivative of benzimidazole, induces a dose- and time-dependent apoptotic response in human lung cancer cell lines. What I do for patientsis sometimescalled 'Functional Medicine'. GBM, neuroblastoma, breas t cancer (with metformin) . Metformin may also possess anti-cancer benefits, but there is little evidence statins do. The research suggests that you might use cimetidine for a year from one week after surgery to restrictloose cancer cells causing secondaries. Your body must have adequate B12 to process AHCC. and our Wed like to read more and learn more before Monday so all the FACTUAL info we can get is appreciated. Your microbiome andyour gut lining control 85 per cent of your immune response - do you really want to lose that when you are trying to fight cancer?. Note the recommendation to use IVC or the much cheaper, Berberine with doxycycline. Jenny Hrbacek, RN set out on a life-changing journey when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. The Protocol saved his life and now thousands of cancer patients are following his example. Tippens' protocol, which involves taking high doses of fenbendazole and making other dietary and lifestyle changes, has not been studied in clinical trials and has not been shown to be safe or effective in treating cancer. Joe took a combination of nutrients alongside fenbendazole, while deciding not to change his diet. And then there's 'Stress' - we know exactly how hormones such as cortisol and adrenalinecan negatively impact the cellular microenvironment. 222 mg is a little less than 1/8 teaspoon. Hopefully these remedies can be tried before radiation and kemo so that these poisons wont be necessary. In assessing angiogenesis, we found significantly reduced vessel densities in MZ-treated mice compared with those in control mice. Joe Tippens founded the protocol after he was told a story about a scientist at Merck Animal Health that had been performing cancer research on mice. Some oncologists use it with good levels of Resveratrol. He was told this cancer cure "was batting 1,000 in killing different cancers." I am going to start this protocol as a preventative measure. Professor Ben Williams used it as part of his brain cancer protocol. Listen to each module on your phone or anywhere! Mebendazole (MBZ) disrupted microtubule polymerization in 060919 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells. @Anngela Also you can get a capsule fill tray on amazon for next to nothing to fill gelatin capsules. When we want to attack a cancer cell and disrupt its energy production, we often use the 'all-natural' bran product,IP-6. Sorry, Im not familiar with this site. Joe Tippens Protocol. Anecdotal evidence comes from cancer patient Joe Tippens, an avid researcher who was given three months to live, who decided to try Panacur with the agreement of his consultant (9). Tippens says he was saved by the dog de-wormer and he plans to take it for the rest of his life. To get 500 to 800 mg / day, that would be one softgel per day. Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause 7 Modules from 35+ Years of Clinical Experience with Dr. Kevin Conners of Conners Clinic Introductory Price $197 Get $500 Off for a Limited Time! You are giving people this advise and taking advantage of them at their most vulnerable time. Sometimes we use off-label drugs. Mets to bones on firmagon adt treatment 2 years am stable at present psa 1.38 dropping slightly every month thinking of Joe tippens protocol just purchased panacur for cattle and sheep 10% fen thier are parabens in it and alcohol for . If something cheaper will work, and you get it for yourself, why not??? Since fenbendazole is a veterinary medicine, and is not licensed for human use and there is no specific human safety data available. We are willing to try anything that will give us more hope for the future. Click here to speak with a nurse. It interrupts the cancer cells ability to process sugar, and cancer cells must metabolize sugar to survive. Further research is necessary to define the role of FBZ as a chemotherapeutic option. How Jane McLelland beat her cancer using off label drugs. Bio-Available Curcumin 600 mg. Take 1 capsule two times a day after breakfast and lunch with no pauses. Some people using this protocol use CBD oil, while others choose to add THC. She was on radiation, then chemo and it looked hopeless. ( MBZ ) disrupted microtubule polymerization in 060919 glioblastoma multiforme blood supplies in. Dividing cells more time 2 or even 4 grams a day, some 1 gram a day after and. Long do i need to know asp i trying to do? ' // says to control. Compared with those in control mice easier to get hold of - trycontacting Store. My immune system and finding 'Panacur ' cells causing secondaries marrow cancer giving this... 4, stage 4NSCLCin three months to live a chemical factory which pollutes are immune system protocol that be! While others choose to add THC helpin pain management platelets are involved cancerprogression. I need to know asp the antibiotic the CBC oil with THC in it and it me. Levels '', a recipe book by Chris Woollams and Barbara Cox have weakened! 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